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There are lots of people around you who can help you cope with your parents splitting up. Sometimes, just talking to a friend can help a lot, especially if his or her parents have also split up. You can also talk to an adult you trust, like:

  • A relative (an aunt or uncle, or your grandmother or grandfather).
  • Your teacher.
  • Your school counselor.
  • Someone at your place of worship.
  • Your family doctor.

These people can help by:

  • Just listening.
  • Helping you to put things in perspective.
  • Suggesting things you can do to make things better.
  • Connecting you with other people who can help.

Call the National Domestic Violence Helpline at 1-800-799-SAFE to talk to someone now.

Q & A

I really feel like I need some help in dealing with this. Who should I ask?

There are lots of people around you who can help. Tell your parents, teacher, school counselor, family doctor or another adult you trust. If they can't help you themselves, they should be able to help you find someone who can.

If you aren't getting the help you think you need, keep asking until you get it.